Friday, April 13, 2012

Monte Carlo day 2

Day 2

Up bright and early (can never sleep in Vegas)

Why get dressed, go downstairs, wait in line and pay $10 for Starbucks when room service is a call away?

Pancakes, coffee, juice etc. while relaxing in our room with the curtains open.

No points high enough for that.

After showering and ‘reloading’ my purse, we head downstairs. LOVE that first morning.

I still didn’t ‘feel’ like I’d found where I was supposed to be, supposed to play. I found a bank of four machines that were progressive. I normally avoid these like the plague but I swear I heard them whisper my name. There was one seat left. I plopped down, stuck my bill in and I’ll be darned, 4 3’s dealt to me. ($800.00) I played that machine for a couple of hours, getting up to almost $1200.00. Then it turned on me and I could barely get a pair. Someone had to hit the progressive Royal, why not me? I hung in there until I realized that I would hate myself if I ran all of my money into the ground. I finally cashed out with $500.00. I moved around to each machine as people left, not much luck.

I did have a couple of TITO’s in my purse which I would hold onto until right before we left.

Me -100 points for the ‘intention’

We decided to head to the Bellagio. What a beautiful day! Not warm by my standards but pleasant. We walked through the conservatory and took some pictures. I found myself saying outloud several times “yeah, why don’t you just come to a screeching halt right in front of everyone”. Some people amaze me at how unaware they are of their surroundings! We then walked over to the Miracle Mile Shops and window shopped. Found a beautiful home furnishing store and a sectional that I fell in love with. Realized that I probably could’ve purchased it with the money I’d spent already and some of what I’d gotten back out. Money is a funny thing in Vegas.

We headed back to MC when it was getting dark. We played some more. I decided to play some quarter machines- although my interest didn’t last long. Steve had had a few drinks and needed some food – we grabbed a quick bite at the CafĂ©. He had a Blackened Chicken sandwich. I had a BLT. Both were very very good. (about $20 for both)

I headed back to the “fickle four” machines and tried my luck. Unfortunately my bar has been raised and although I hit several more 4 of a Kinds ($250), I needed to hit something substantial. Finally I hit 4 Aces ($800). Played it a little more before cashing out without all of it. (seeing a pattern here)

Lesson learned (my personal). I prefer to take enough cash with me. When I am playing I do not want to stop to go up to the room to get more. So here I was, wanting to play more but all I had were these darn tickets. If I get up, someone will take my seat (happened already and if I had a voodoo doll that person would be doubled over in pain) What did I do? Stuck the darn ticket in the machine. The cardinal sin. I committed it.

Don’t ask. It was ugly. I took the walk of shame back to my room, tail between my legs, head hanging low.

There’s always tomorrow…..right?

Tomorrow…football and spa day.

Monte Carlo day 2

LOL about the people stopping right in front of you, it%26#39;s my biggest pet peeve of public places. Trying to work on patience for that, though. Patting you on the back in sympathy for sticking those TITOs back into the machine! :(

Monte Carlo day 2

I found myself saying outloud several times “yeah, why don’t you just come to a screeching halt right in front of everyone”. Some people amaze me at how unaware they are of their surroundings!

This is one of my pet peeves too. I especially like the geniuses who get to the top of the escalator and then stand there trying to figure out which direction to go. I have been known to make such people jump a foot in the air when my deep voice announces, ';Excuse me!'; in a moderate but very firm tone of voice. Sadly, one doesn%26#39;t have to go to Vegas to find these types, they can be seen at any shopping mall.

'; I took the walk of shame back to my room, tail between my legs, head hanging low. ';

But or lose doesn%26#39;t matter if you were in your favorite city with your favorite guy!!!! Easy come, easy go with those dollars! LOL

I agree with Ducky Love.....and haven%26#39;t gone into the $5 area you%26#39;re still hanging strong!! =)

Heey....we should make those voodoo dolls......I bet people would use them! LOL.....

You didn%26#39;t have to worry about strange security guy today did you?

I loved your relaxed morning...see.....that is one of the reasons you went!! =)

I love room service for breakfast too!

I couldn%26#39;t even think about going downstairs for a coffee it I hadn%26#39;t had a few cups before.

I enjoy the winning parts and can associate with the losing parts - even the cardinal sin portion.

Enjoying your TR, please add more.

OH the biggest pet peeve of mine revealed also!!! Why must people stop in front of you?? Like you I find myself saying it out loud in Vegas now almost everytime someone does it to me. I normally say ';People walking behind you'; or ';Pull over to take that picture, you wouldnt stop your car in the middle of the road to take it would you'; and normally very loudly.

Okay, you realize I confuse VERY easily.... I just read the identical day on your other thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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