Thursday, April 19, 2012

Dressing up -- yes or no

We%26#39;re planning to visit in late December, so first of all, the weather will be a factor. Will it be too cold for sleeveless cocktail dresses (tea / ankle-length dresses)? If I have a wrap, would that be enough?

Also, what about high heels? I wear 3-4 inch heels to work everyday (I work in an office, not on on the street corner, haha) so I%26#39;m used to being in heels daily. However, would I just be asking for trouble if I ventured out at nights in heels? We%26#39;re staying at the Venetian but will be going to shows / dinner / gambling at other places at night. Cabs are an obvious option, but just didn%26#39;t know how the Strip treats women teetering along in heels.

Lastly, would I just be inviting trouble if I dressed up and hung around casinos? I%26#39;ve read posts where women have been propositioned simply because they dressed up a bit more and didn%26#39;t look like a tourist. Does that really happen?


Dressing up -- yes or no

If I was youthful and shapely again, I would be right there with ya in dressing up in cocktail dresses and heels. However, I%26#39;m not! So, I%26#39;m just wearing nice comfortable slacks with lovely tops of an evening and flats.

I genuinely don%26#39;t think I would wear the spikes.....maybe something stylish with a lower heel? Your little tootsies will be talking to you at the end of ur night.

Dressing up -- yes or no

Weather in December is usually chilly (especially at night) but unpredictable. Sleeveless in the evening is possibly a bit ambitous. Check a forecast just before you pack and be prepared to dress in layers.

I%26#39;m male but from Mrs B%26#39;s experiences forget heels unless the minimum of walking is involved.

No problem with dressing up. Wear what YOU%26#39;RE comfortable in and don%26#39;t worry about anyone else.

If you%26#39;re planning to visit the different hotels on the strip, no heels. You won%26#39;t believe the distance between the hotels. Maps are very deceiving. Vegas is casual.

You really can%26#39;t predict the weather so far in advance. What happens one year has nothing to do with what happens any other year. Someone posting that they were in Vegas at that time any year and describing the weather is not going to be of any help to you because the weather may not be the same when you are there. The average high-mid 50s although it can range from the 40s to the 70s. Average low-36. Again- it can range from the teens to the 40s. Some years I didn%26#39;t even need a sweater during the day while other years I needed a top with long sleeves, a sweater AND a jacket. At night it can get quite cool. I don%26#39;t think a wrap is going to be enough at night. I was there 7 years at the end of December and I always had clothes that could be layered. That will get you through just about any kind of weather. You have to check a weather site just before leaving to see if the temps are going to be in the 40s, 50s or 70s while you are there.

The strip can be a feet killer. I have seen women walking barefoot on the strip with their heels in their hands-it can be that unforgiving. . If you read any of the TRs on this forum it is a common complaint-blistered aching feet - even without high heels. If you are going to do extensive walking at night- bring a bag big enough to so you can bring a change of shoes.

You can wear anything you want in Vegas. Some people are always dressed casually while others really dress up- both night and day. Wear whatever you want to wear and don%26#39;t worry what others will think. It is your vacation so just wear whatever YOU are comfortable wearing. You will see everything and anything in the casinos so don%26#39;t worry about it!!

So you don%26#39;t work on 14th St? (kidding of course)

The weather in Vegas during Dec. really isn%26#39;t that much different than the weather in the Wash. Metro area at the same time. (excluding our occassional cold snaps) Usually it%26#39;s roughly 10 deg warmer in LV.

Being a man, I don%26#39;t wear many cocktail dresses, but I say if that%26#39;s what you want to wear, go for it. I was with some friends having a drink at the Wynn last Dec and there were ladies all over the place wearing little black dresses. Very nice.

I think you will be cold if you are sleeveless, evne with a wrap. What I do is get all dressed up, have cocktails, dinner and short walk around the casino or strip. When it starts getting late, I head up to the room change into comfortable but still semi-dressy clothes and head back down for some hard core gambling and drinking!

Will you beinviting trouble if you are dressed up? No!! We need to class Vegas up a little, I think its great when people are dressed up!

Anthing goes...but to walk around a lot, I would not think the heels would be a good bet. The Venetian is huge in get from the casino to your room etc. If I go to a nice dinner in the Venetian I dress for dinner and then change and relax for the evening. I run on the warm side...but I do think a wrap or sweater of some sort will be needed outside and perhaps inside if the air conditioner is up too high...Have a fab time. I was there last year late December and it was windy and freezing prepared for it all...Slotto

If you really want to wear heels, and you%26#39;re going to be doing any amount of walking, bring a handbag that%26#39;s big enough for a change of shoes and just change into the heels when you get to wherever it is you%26#39;re going.

As for dressing up - No one is going to think you%26#39;re a hooker unless you are hanging around at night by yourself all dressed up. And if they do, so what? If you%26#39;re an attractive lady you probably get ';propositioned'; by guys all the time, the only difference being that this time they%26#39;d be offering to pay for it!

I always take at least 1 dress up outfit... dress and high heels.

But I also take comfortable sandles that might match my dress. By evening, my feet are begging me to change shoes.

I personally would not be comfortable walking any great distance in heels - and everything is much farther that in seems when walking in Vegas. If DH and I get dressed up for the evening we usually stick close to our hotel or take a cab.

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