Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Las Vegas for the Holidays on a Budget

I am having a little bit of trouble finding good travel deals for Las Vegas. I am looking to travel any three days from Dec. 28-Jan. 5. I live in Florida and the airline fees are pretty steep, and I cannot find any great deals. I don%26#39;t think that I can afford to spend more than $500 altogether for 2 people on air/travel, considering I will have to spend a lot on food and anything else there. I was considering waiting until the last minute to book something, but seeing as this is an anniversary present, I would hate for it not to work out. Does anyone have any ideas about what I can do or sites I can go to in order to find deals? I would be so appreciative if anyone knew of any sites or promo codes to use.

Las Vegas for the Holidays on a Budget

Around New Year days (Dec 28 to Jan 5) is considered one of the peak travel times in Vegas. Supply and demand dictates everything being jacked up in price since there are more tourists coming in.

You probably want to either come in before those days or after those days or just have to pay the higher price.

Las Vegas for the Holidays on a Budget

100% agree with the above. That%26#39;s probably accounting for the prices. I would totally try to come before Christmas if you want to keep it under $500. I am going Dec 18-23 staying at MGM flying out of Austin, TX and total for 2 I am spending a few dollars under $800. I felt like that was a fare price... it%26#39;s pretty hard to find airfare for under $200 roundtrip per person anymore. Unless you just live at one of those ever-popular airports or just get that lucky =)

Definitely book separately if possible and call the player%26#39;s club to see what deals you can get.

Checkout fatwallet to help book your hotel:…

Also try other airports that you would be willing to drive to since some airport taxes and surrounding economy can make a difference in airfare prices.

Another idea to get maybe $50 dollars off is go to Ebay and buy gift cards or vouchers for the cheapest flights website you can find. For example, Southwestern Airlines and Spirit or Jet Blue always have a few up.

Good luck and I hope you get to celebrate your Holidays in Vegas!

Not sure you will be able to go at that price. I have been looking for flights from DC where we have lots of options and prices are usually reasonable. Nothing less than $350 during that time.

Even in the summer, you can%26#39;t usually find flights for that price anymore from the East Coast.

Once you sort out airfare it is cheaper to stay downtown.

I just looked up Southwest. On Jan 1 they have a flight for 136 each and then coming back 159 each.Not quite what you wanted but I would think holiday travel would be much more expensive.

Once you sort out airfare it is cheaper to stay downtown.

I don%26#39;t see how you are going to be able to travel to Vegas during the holidays for $250 each. I fly every year at that time (usually fly out on the 26th) and I have never been able to return home on Jan 1st in order to get back to work on the 2nd- it is just too expensive. I usually have to take a day or two off from work in order to be able to afford the ticket. Also- the hotel rooms shoot up sky high as NYE approaches- triple (or more) the normal rates. I would definitely try flying on the 2nd or later (or earlier than the 28th). Good luck in your search!

Farecast predicts airfare prices will fall:

Is that $500 per person for airfare or airfare and hotel? If its just airfare just keep looking and look at airports that are close to you and not just your normal airport. If that includes room I personnaly do not think that can be done around those dates. Rooms alone maybe but not airfare.

Wanderer, I think your dates aren%26#39;t going to work for ';on a budget'; I have been there for New Years and honestly it will kill you for a hotel room, etc. either wait until the 1st and after or go in the spring when the weather is nicer, just my thoughts..

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