Friday, March 30, 2012

Hotel Credit Card hold question

Hi guys !

Ok let%26#39;s keep the maths simple

Say you check into the bellagio for 6 nights at $200 a night

You give the hotel your credit card at check in

At this point in time, how much do they charge your credit card ? and how much do they put on hold ?

Hotel Credit Card hold question

I think they put ahold of %26amp;100 per night so that woud be 600.

Hotel Credit Card hold question

It truly depends on the hotel, as each has it%26#39;s own policy. This is one of those questions that is best answered by the hotel. If you are depending on your credit card for other purchases, cash or other charges, you will want to be certain what your available credit is and exactly how much the hotel is holding. I met a problem with that once at Caesars. Fortunately, my credit card is through my credit union and I was able to transfer money from one account onto the credit card.


this Q is discussed often, in general terms and for specific properties. this info should be on the hotel website, since you have a specific Q about a specific property the best to get this answer is from The B.

Contact them and they will tell you.

For some people knowing this exact amount is important.

MGM charged me $200 dollars a day but never more than $200 in total, so they diod not charge $600 (3 nights stay) at eth beginning but held $200 at the end of day 1 they charged what I had charged to my room say $50 and then $200 for the next day so the total on my card at the end of day 1 start iof day w was $250. Does that make sense ?

As others have to ask the hotel as each is different.

In my experience (not at Bellagio) here is what would normally happen:

Day 1: Check in....normally you have already paid a one night when you check in...they just put the ';hold'; for incidentals on your card...let%26#39;s say they hold $100 per day.....they don%26#39;t actually charge this on your CC....just hold it so your credit limit will be lowered...but nothing actually charged.

Day 2: SInce you have already paid for night one...nothing charged.....just a new %26#39;hold'; for the day.

Day 3: $200 charged for night #2 (plus new hold)

Day 4: $200 charged for night #3 (plus new hold) sure to ask. I know that the Wynn has a hold of $200 per day which is the highest I%26#39;ve ever seen....and they want you to have that avaialble to hold on your CC at the beginning of the stay when you check if you were there you would need $1200 free and clear on your credit limit for them to hold...and then each day they would release $200 back to your credit limit assuming you hadn%26#39;t charged anything to the room.

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